
Student and Family Handbook

Digital Plan

Student and Family Engagement Policy – Click below

Harrington Parent Family Engagement Policy – PolicyEnglish

Dress Code

All students must be in a Harrington Uniform every day. Starting September 5,2023 Uniform is The same for

Kindergarten through Eighth Grade

• Burgundy collar shirt
• navy blue, black, or  tan pants, skirt or jumper
• black sneakers, shoes

All Grades:

Pants must be belted at the waist

Shorts should be no more than 2 inches above the knees

The following items are prohibited:

jeans (even under skirts)
sneaker skates,
oversized clothes,
hats/scarves/shower caps


Hoodies are not permitted in the school.Students are permitted to wear sweaters. (color:burgundy.)

logos, flip flops/ backless shoes/high heels are not permitted for reasons of safety
Make-up/lip gloss


The school administration and teachers will continue to encourage all students to dress in a fashion that reflects good taste and style that is appropriate for a school day.

Inappropriate clothing includes the following:

Clothing that is excessively revealing such as miniskirts, short shorts, tank tops, loose fitting and low cut halter tops, mesh shirts, or shirts that expose the midriff
Hats, caps, or sunglasses, scarves, etc.
Large hoops and dangling earrings (hoop earrings the size of a quarter are acceptable for school).
Include – scarves, hats, bonnets (exception – religious garb).


In the Student Code of Conduct, it clearly states that the School District prohibits the possession and use of electronic devices (Cell phones, iPods, MP3 Players) on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, and on buses or other vehicles provided by the School District. In adherence to the Student Code Conduct, electronic devices if visible or in use will be confiscated by any staff member at Harrington. The return policy is listed below:

1st offense – item is returned to student (if student complies with teacher’s request)

2nd offense – item is returned to parent (if student complies with teacher’s request)

3rd offense – item returned after 30 school days (if student complies with teacher’s request)

4th offense – Chronic cell phone misuse will result in the confiscation of the phone and it will not be returned until the end of the year.  Exceptions will be made by Administration.