Principal’s Post

Welcome to the 2023-24 Academic Year!

As we plan for a beginning like no other we have seen in the past, our theme for this year is “Excellence Without Excuse.” Excellence means “Every Scholar Learns, Every Scholar Achieves, Every Scholar Grows….Failure is not an Option.” This Theme is aligned to our school mission and vision. Every scholar will learn something new or enrich what they know. Every Scholar will achieve success whether it is big or small. Every scholar will grow mentally, physically and emotionally. Growth for every scholar will be different but every scholar will grow at their own pace. No excuses means Failure is not an option, we need to inspire our scholars to keep trying until it is resolved. Take a break but do not rest until you get success.

Spring of 2020 has challenged staff and students to find a new normal for learning, connected us in new ways and required our scholars to be scholarly from afar.  What I have most learned through this process is how much I appreciate the expertise our teachers bring to Harrington, the ways in which our scholars continue to work hard to grow and overall, appreciation for the little things in life – giving a high five, a hug or being able to laugh out loud with many people around.  What I MOST appreciate about Harrington is how even under circumstances we have never experienced we are still a learning and caring community.

Normal is such a simple word and it is our goal at Harrington  to not only find our new normal, but to use this time as a learning experience that will forever impact the learning environment of Harrington.  Every week there are new types of learning experiences teachers are piloting and much of what is learned will continue to be used in the future.  Our fall may not be “normal,” but our learning will not only continue, but it will thrive.  We can’t wait to move on to the next phase of learning under Covid-19 and we know, all returning and new students to Harrington will be welcomed with open arms (from 6 feet away) to our community – we will continue to grow!

The Staff at Harrington are committed to maintaining the highest standards so that there will be no shortage of opportunities for your son or daughter to feel challenged on a daily basis with high quality instruction and have a wide variety of options to get connected to their school and fellow students.  It is our mission that scholars achieve, attain, and soar beyond expectations!

How do you get information? Monthly calendars, school announcements, community information, and School District notices are to be distributed and sent home via Classroom Dojo, as well as, email on the last day of each week.  It is organized in a fashion that the most critical information is at the top and as you scroll down the newsletter the information becomes more oriented toward the future.  This is your “one stop shop” to stay informed about the happenings of our community.  We will also use Instagram (@avdh_bears) to deliver pertinent information.  The school’s  website is a place to go to pull static information, facts about Harrington that could be important for a family at any point of the year, for example, the bell schedule, the school calendar, how to log in google classroom.  Another way to receive personalized information and be engaged in conversations related to the Harrington community is to attend a bi-weekly PTO meeting where special guests will present important information about Harrington.  Harrington is a dynamic community; if you want to be involved and don’t know how, ask.  We can connect you to a cause, action or person that will help you, the families of Harrington, be connected to our community.


Alonzo S. Fulton
